The lush growth has meant there is little room left for the hydrangea that is struggling to make its presence felt amidst the lavender overflow. Relieved that we decided to move the buddleja, initially planted less than a few feet away from the lavender. We relocated the buddleja to the south of the garden and it has established well this year producing dense purple panicles.
The last few weeks of summer have been really hectic and there has been little time to tend to the garden or write about it. Some evenings, I would just about manage to tip a jug of water into the pots and hanging baskets, saying a silent apology to the other plants - they will just have to send their roots out in search of water. So I rejoiced when the weekend brought a fairly long spell rain and the beds got a nice, long soak-in.
The last few weeks of summer have been really hectic and there has been little time to tend to the garden or write about it. Some evenings, I would just about manage to tip a jug of water into the pots and hanging baskets, saying a silent apology to the other plants - they will just have to send their roots out in search of water. So I rejoiced when the weekend brought a fairly long spell rain and the beds got a nice, long soak-in.